Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's Working.....

About two months ago, Gail and I went on diets along with adding biking and kayaking to our activities. I had never really seriously counted calories in an attempt to lose weight. My plan was Atkins Carb counting. Well the calorie thing is working very well, much to my amazement. Part of it could be that I am listing everything I eat. Anyway, I got on the scale this morning and goal 1 has been achieved. When I started I weighed 197 lbs. This morning the scale said 179 lbs. Eighteen pounds in two months.

I want to get down to 170, but Gail may not allow that. She thinks at 170 I am too skinny.

It's working very well for Gail also, but it isn't polite to talk about a woman's weight. Let's just say that her goal is nearly met as well.


jameson said...

Hell yeah! Congrats... now let's knock out the "other" thing and we'll be all good!

beth said...

seriously? i'm amazed! great work.....i've been "trying" to lost 3 pounds and i can't even do that! i need you and gail to put me on a plan :)

great work!