Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another Day with Greyson

With Chris and Courtney preparing to move, they needed another day to pack, so........ they dropped Baby G off this morning with us. What a handful. He is perpetual motion. Check out the videos..

He is growing so fast. I think he will be trying to walk by Christmas. He is sooo CUTE...
Later, we went over to their new house for the final walk through. We tracked down a couple of electrical problems, but all in all, everything they wanted fixed had been completed. Chris wanted me to help him paint on Wednesday, but I can't get off. The other inspector either quit or got fired and now I have all of Ocean Lakes to inspect on a daily basis. I'm thinking of changing jobs. Instead of being just an inspector, I would be concentrating on maintenance of all the Association clubhouses and common areas, and only inspecting on a irregular basis. I will talk to the Association Manager tomorrow and see if they will agree to my requirements. If not, I will be the primary inspector and they will hire someone to do the maintenance and help inspect. We'll see......

We are trying something different for Thanksgiving. A new stuffing and brining the turkey (just a breast for us) prior to roasting. Also, we will be making our own cranberries instead of opening a can. I'll let you know how it turns out, and if it turns out well, might even post the recipes.

We went to Wild River Outfitters on Saturday to check out their kayaking supplies. They have a fairly good selection. What really caught my eye was a Hobie Sail/Yak. It's a 14 foot kayak fitted with outriggers and a sail. I checked out a video online and it looks like a real ball. I just might have to save up some money, or get some side jobs, to buy two. Then we could learn to sail them and have some real excursions.

Working 8 hours a day is a pain. I don't have time to research recipes and cook. That's why the recipes have stopped. I'm trying to figure out a way to do both.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Early winter ? Normally, if we get any snowfall at all, it doesn't come until January. Well this year was a little different. This is what we woke up to Friday morning. November snowfall. Not much, but enough to indicate we may be in for a long, cold winter. The temps a dropping steadily, with mid to low 30s at night, and mid 40s to low 50s during the day

Time to hibernate........

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Maybe I'm Wrong

I have always thought that it was every Americans DUTY to vote, as many who know me can attest. I have been very vocal concerning this attitude and have often chastised those I know who did not or do not vote. In my opinion, if you cannot take the time to prepare and vote, you have given up the right to complain or question anything done by your government. An excellent example would be the war in IRAQ. How many of the current anti-war protesters actually voted? If it is anything like the Viet Nam era protesters, the answer would be approximately 30%.

As we dissect the results of the current election, one hears about the large number of voters who turned out, many of them for the first time. There was one news story about a 100 year old woman who was voting for the first time in her life! Although the increase in voter turnout seems laudable at first glance, once a complete analysis is performed, I ,for one, am not so sure. For example, the City of Suffolk held its first mayoral election on Tuesday. Previously, the mayor was selected by the City Council. This was the FIRST time that the residents of that city had an opportunity to have a say in who governed them as the mayor. An historic election in its own right. Here are some excerpts for the coverage:

One candidate was Mike Debranski. One voter when asked why she voted for him is quoted as saying: "The honest truth?" she said cringing. "Because he had a weird last name."

The article also stated "....more than a few acknowledged they knew little, if anything, about the local candidates."

Another voter is quoted as saying: "I didn't know who was who." The article goes on to say "She said she voted for Linda Johnson because she was the only woman on the ballot."

Yet another voter had a very good reason for voting her choice. "I just put Johnson, because my last name is Johnson,".

The final example is a voter that said she didn't know any of the mayoral candidates is quoted as saying "My grandpa told me to write in me."

Nearly 5,000 of the 41,800 who voted (slightly over 10%) did not even bother to cast a vote in their local mayoral race. OVER TEN PERCENT! And that does not count the voters like those quoted above. How many more made their selections in a like manner? Some people had to stop and think to even recall who they had voted for just minutes before. Why, then did these people vote. I could venture a guess. Are these the new voters that turned out in support of Barrack Obama? Are these the New Democrats? If so, are these the type of voters that will make intelligent, informed choices in the future? That is, assuming they will continue to vote on a regular basis, which I seriously doubt!

Therein lies the reason for my self doubt. Am I wrong to expect every American Citizen to be involved in the decision making process? Obviously there are many people whose only qualification is citizenship and age, the minimum requirement. It's unconstitutional to require any more, like commitment and intelligence. But, what about the responsibility to make informed choices? Do I expect too much? Is there really that much apathy in the American Electorate?

Like I said before, take any good looking, well dressed, eloquent piece of meat, give him half a billion dollars, and he, too, could become President. Maybe that is what we deserve. Maybe issues are as dead as many of our preceeding Presidents. Now it's all hype and showmanship!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Politics - Media Blasting

So, race was not an issue in this campaign. For two years we have heard from both campaigns, all the network news anchors, all the talking heads on the cable news networks, all the op-ed writers in all the newspapers that RACE cannot/should not/shall not be an issue in the election. Now that the election is over, all you hear is that history was made because an African-American was elected as President. I even read an op-ed piece that identifies the election of Barrack Obama as the REAL end of the Civil War. Let me see if I've got this right. Race didn't play a part in the campaign or the election, but is the most important / historical factor resulting from the election. Not once, and believe me I read, watch, and search out news/event stories from many sources, have I discovered one opinion that states we have elected the best man for the job.

This is all a subterfuge. It is the game the politicians and the media play to fill the airwaves with superfluous bullshit to gloss over what is really important. Just think back to the campaigns. We had the "lipstick on a pig", "the Ayers connection", "Palin's wardrobe", "Rev Wright", and "he voted no on...." controversies. Why? To steer us away from the real issues. I think the media is doing it again. Rather than concentrate on "ISSUES", they concentrate on "Gossip". That's probably due to two major reasons: 1) They need to fill more time than there is news, and 2) Most people don't want to deal with the serious concerns, they want to be entertained even by the news. I'm surprised that they couldn't find a way NOT to report on the economic crisis. The prime example for this morning was the hours spent reporting on what Rahm Emanuel had to say about being selected as Obama's Chief of Staff prior to the official announcement. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

Then, after the announcement, check out what the AP had to say about his choices.

"His choice Thursday for White House chief of staff - Rahm Emanuel, a fiery partisan who doesn't mind breaking glass and hurting feelings - is a significant departure from the soft-spoken, low-key aides that "No-Drama Obama" has surrounded himself with during his campaign. And transition chief John Podesta, like Emanuel, is a former top aide to Bill Clinton and a tough partisan infighter, though less bombastic than the new chief of staff."

So much for a non-partisan, reaching across the aisle administration. This issue did not even garner a whisper this morning. It was much more important to dwell on Emanuel's "I'm not sure I will accept, I'll have to discuss it with my family" than to explore his position on partisanship.

I voted for John McCain because I believed that he was the BEST PERSON for the job, given the current state of this country. The majority of the American People disagreed with me. So be it. I will abide by that decision, but I will not abdicate my responsibility as a citizen and member of our participatory form of government and watch things just happen. I will not wait four years for my voice to be heard. I will be WATCHING. I will be PARTICIPATING. I may not be able to affect much on the National level, but my local representatives surely know my name, and the new ones will shortly.

Am I the only one who sees this travesty, or the only one who is saying anything? I need to get a national audience and form my own "Revolutionary Party". We will be for peaceful revolution from within. We will take over the government by playing by their rules and beating them at their own game. Any Takers.....?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Apparently, not "NUFF SAID".......

Well, WE elected our new President and will have to live with that decision for at least four years. Because of this event, I feel that I must air my feelings or burst. I have bitten my tongue for the last few weeks and created "The Saga of Flip" as a diversion. Though that may continue, it won't be as a diversion, it will be for fun. The following are some rambling thoughts that have been held back for way too long.

If WE are to believe the voter turnout numbers, this country has been galvanized into action. WE have spoken. WE are taking control. Or, was this just an anomaly? Do WE just vote and then return to OUR inconsequential existence? That's exactly what "THEY" hope ! After all, to THEM the American People, "WE", are not intelligent or capable enough to participate in OUR government. That's what "WE" elected "THEM" for. Once "THEY" are elected, "THEY" become one of "THEM", and "THEM" don't want to deal with "WE". It's "THEM" versus "US". (That's WE, as in We the People, and US, as in United States Citizens) (T.H.E.Y - Those Hopeful Elected Yahoos) (T.H.E.M - Those High Elected Morons)

Obama said "WE are the change WE have been waiting for." So, now WE have to roll up OUR sleeves, get off OUR collective asses, and actually participate in OUR governance. Just voting is
NOT enough. It is the first step in the process of taking back OUR Rights and OUR Country. Watch carefully the actions and voting of YOUR elected representatives. Hold their feet to the fire each time they vote for special interests and earmarks that do not benefit YOU. Let them know that WE ARE WATCHING, and WE WANT CHANGE ! Not just the slogan, but the ACTION. Hold them accountable ! This starts with OUR elected city officials and goes right the the Highest Office in the land !

With a Democratic Executive and Democratically controlled Congress, legislation will be passed so fast that it will seem like a bullet train speeding through the Capital. Unfortunately, the vortex created by this high speed legislature will suck the money right out of OUR pockets and the wind out of OUR sails.

I agree with Joe Biden. WE need to "take back our country". But, unlike Joe, I think WE need to take it back from the professional politicians, not just the Republicans. Of course, I also agree with Bob the Builder and his anthropomorphic friends . "Can WE do it? Yes WE Can!"

Partisanship only matters because PARTISANS (political party members) WANT IT TO !!!!!! THEY actually thrive on conflict. It's what gets THEM the evening sound bites and makes THEM feel important. A Democratic Congress has not accomplished a damn thing in two years, blaming partisanship, not THEIR own incompetence and inability to work for the good of the people. Now with a democratic executive there is nothing to stand in THEIR way.

These are the same members of congress that ignored every warning sign leading up to current economic problems for over two years. AND WE expect them to fix it! Now, THEY will be able to expand THEIR entitlement programs with little or no checks and balances. Who will pay for those programs ? YOU guessed it, WE! Are YOU excited yet?

WE need to turn the"M" of "ME" politicians upside down. Make it a "W" for "WE". Once THEY get elected, THEIR only thoughts are for reelection, not the welfare of THEIR constituents. Does this imply that WE belong to THEM? WE need to make that happen, because, as witnessed many times over, THEY will not change THEMSELVES!

WE, too, have become enamored with special interests. WE want to be part of a "Special" group. Whether WE be divided by age, sex, race, location, education, height, weight, political party, married, single, rich, poor, middle class, WE want to be special. That's what THEY prey upon. THEY know the buttons to push to make YOU feel special. THEY will lie to to make YOU feel special, that is until YOU demand that THEY do the job THEY were elected to do. Then THEY retreat into THEIR safe little office and sulk. Only to come out should there be a photo op. These people are so far removed and isolated from the WE people, THEY probably can't even conceive of what OUR interests might be.

I know this sounds like a lot of work, and it is. But, it is the only way to ensure that "WE" get back the control of OUR country and OUR future. DEMAND REPRESENTATION. Remember, "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny". I think that's where WE are headed unless WE take a stand NOW.

NOPE !!!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let Us Pray

We did our part. Now let's just hope enough intelligent, well informed voters did the same!

Flip may be in REAL trouble...

Today I got a very interesting email from the Transportation Security Administration. Seems they are looking for Flip and tracked his emails to me. They wanted to know if I knew his whereabouts. I told them I didn't have a clue, but knew he had been in Maui last month. Steph, you may be contacted due to your comment about him showing up in your closet.

Here is a surveillance photo from LAX that they included. You can see Flip working one of the counters in baggage claim (lower left).

Flop is really depressed. Flip is in trouble with the Feds. I think may push him over the edge.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Greyson's Visit

Chris and Courtney had some running around to do this afternoon so they dropped Greyson off for a couple hours. That boy is a handful. Here are a video and some pictures of the day.

Isn't he cute ?

He is crawling and wants to get into everything. He really wants to get to everything on the end tables. He is also quite vocal. He screams and squeals, and just seems to like the sound of making noise. We had a fun visit.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Finally, Some Good Weather

Today the weather finally improved enough that we could go for a short kayak trip. The weather has been running in the mid to low 40s at night and mid to low 60s during the day. When we watched the weather report last night, they said it would be in the low to mid 70s this afternoon. Amazingly, they were right for once. We did some running around this morning and came home, loaded up the kayaks, then headed out to the Lessner Bridge. The last time we were there we really enjoyed the paddle and scenery. Today was no different, except we shorted our paddling time by about a hour this go round.

Check out this little video of the Captain.....

Enjoying the sunshine....
She always has to lead now. I just follow at a safe distance...

Here are some pictures Gail took at one of flats we stopped at to take a short break.

The water is really getting cold. We only walked in it for a short time, then it was back in the kayaks to warm up. My feet got numb quickly, and, in fact, didn't thaw out until we got home. As we were on our way back to the launch site, we ran into a fellow kayaker we had talked with earlier. He was having a bit of a problem. His kayak was taking on water, lots of water. We stopped at a nearby beach while he drained the boat, then we followed him in to make sure he made it. He did and all ended well. Except Gail saw a dog on one of the islands and was concerned that its owner had left behind. After we followed the the distressed kayaker in, we didn't see the dog. So ?

After we got home, Gail told me that she really hadn't wanted to go. She thought it might be too cold, but she really enjoyed the day in spite of her misgivings.

It was really great to get back out on the water again. Seems like it has been months since we were last out. Although it hasn't been nearly that long, we're both pretty beat. Came home, cleaned up, threw a couple of filets on the grill, cut up the fixins for a great salad and gorged ourselves. Great Day! Now it's nap time......