Saturday, October 18, 2008

Great Progress.....

Milestone #2 has been met. Today the scale read 175.4 lbs. Five pounds more ? Gail says NO ! I say YES. We'll see.

The hard part is going to be adjusting to not loosing any more weight. I am so used to counting every calorie that it might be hard to increase the amount. Since mid-August, I have been averaging between 1300 and 1400 calories a day. I don't know if I can continue to eat as healthy as we have been and increase the calories enough to maintain at say 170. I have become the master of trade-offs, say 190 calories for two Michelob Ultras, or 170 for a Weight Watchers Ice Cream Sandwich. Maybe I could get used to having both! That just might work!

Gail is also doing really well. She has achieved her goal, but has decided that she may drop just a little more. Just enough to make her favorite pants a little looser (sp).

All and all, we have done great. As a reward, we go out to dinner every Friday night, but, just like at home, we are conscious of every calorie. What sucks is that a lot of restaurant food is very High Cal, and junk food is out of the question, unless we fast for the first half of the day. We're working on a manageable plan.

1 comment:

jameson said...


Congrats. I am proud of both of you guys. It's not easy to stay that dedicated. But there is one thing I don't understand. You guys have been awesome and so disciplined with your diets... now why can't we turn that over to kicking another habit?

Either way, I am stoked for you guys. Keep it up.