Sunday, October 5, 2008

Failed rescue attempt - Flip is gone........

As I mentioned yesterday, I lost one of my Rainbows (Flip) when we went kayaking yesterday. This morning we went back to First Landing Park in an attempt to rescue him from the great outdoors. Our attempt was a failure. Flip was nowhere to be found. I can only hope the someone picked him up and will give him a good home. Flop is heartbroken. His partner of 15+ years is gone forever. We plan to have a ceremony to commemorate the loss and help Flop deal with his grief. Until then, I'll just have to deal with the forlorn looks and lonely sighs. Can you see the forlorn look?

Poor Flop......

1 comment:

Matt Guenther said...

Hahaha that is so funny! I laughed so hard when I read that.

On a serious note; you should try putting his face on a milk carton.