Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Work, Work, Work

There hasn't been a lot going on here lately. Since the news that Coopervision will be shutting down, we have been discussing potential plans for the future. You know, selling it all, getting a motor home, or fifth wheel & truck, and just traveling around for a while. Must be the gypsy in us!

So, instead of playing on the weekends, we are working. Repairing , painting, sprucing up the place just in case. All the things we put off so we could play. Being a responsible adult sucks. Saturday was spent mowing the lawn and replacing most of the trim on the shed out front. Getting ready to paint all three sheds. (Gail says she'll do the painting. Yeah! Right! We all know how that works out!)

Anyway, Chris and Greyson came over to help on Sunday. Gail won't let me climb up on the roof, or even to the top of the ladder, so Chris gets the high work. We replaced the wood trim on the chimney and did some painting as well.

My two helpers......

Look at me..........I'm going UP.........

The drill really works, and he knows how to use it................

Reach for the sky........

It was a pretty good day. Greyson is a trip. When he gets in his goofy mood, he is perpetual motion, and laughs & giggles constantly. He really cracks himself up.