Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's That Time of Year

I guess Fall is here, at least the trees seem to think so!

This is a tree I see every day at work. I have watched the leaves change, but......

TODAY IT WAS NEAR 80 DEGREES!!! GUESS WHAT WE DID. That's right, we went kayaking. A couple of weeks ago, the contractor mowed all the reeds along the Davinci Canal, so..... we decided to head out. We got up late, around 8:30 and took our time. Before we got ready, Chris stopped by to return some tools he had borrowed, so we hung out and BS'd for awhile. He went out surfing this morning but it was really messy. High winds turned it to mush. I talked him into helping move the treadmill from the garage to our bedroom, so maybe it will get some use.

Back to kayaking. The wind was coming up and we almost decided to scrub the mission, but said screw it and headed out. Glad we did. Our trip down the canal was great. Fall is having its effect on the trees there and some of the surface is covered with leaves. Really quite beautiful.

My usual view, bringing up the rear.............
Once I did get in front, this was the view.........

We paddled all the way to Lake Tecumsah again. This time we were prepared, we had fishing gear. I had a pretty good time, but the "Captain" got skunked. One of the few times that I caught more than her. I got seven small bluegill. I threw them all back, too small for a meal.

Here's one..............
One other reason for going was to try out the helmet cam. Gail thinks it looks kind of dumb. I might just have to agree with her.

I will have to make some adjustments to the mounting. It is aimed a little high. Got to be ready for Cabo.

Gail in full fishing mode................

The clouds started to roll in between two and three, so we decided to head back. It wasn't too bad, but around here the weather can go from partly cloudy to thunder storms in a matter of minutes.

All in all a great day. Our little kayak trips are the best stress relief in the world, so peaceful and quiet. Hopefully we will have a few more opportunities to go out before winter rears its head.

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