Sunday, December 14, 2008


Long time between posts. It's been a busy couple of weeks. Between working for a living, helping Chris and Courtney with their house, and building the "Kayak Kloset" (Gail calls it the "Boathouse"), I've had very little time to do anything else.

This weekend was no different. I spent all day yesterday helping Chris finish up the wall paper, and today mowing the yard (hopefully for the last time this year) and watching Gail clean (straighten up) the house. Now it's time for dinner. Got the grill going and pork chops waiting.

Here are some pics of our kayak storage facility.

Two sets of rails, one per kayak.....
I have it framed across the back of the rear deck........
This is where they will reside as son as completed..........
Time to put the chops on....Later.....