Thursday, July 10, 2008

Working the news cycle....

Sorry James, but with all the political news these days, I just have to make at least one more comment.

Barrack Obama and his "Political Machine" (he learned about politics in Chicago, where the Daly machine controls all) are really working the news cycles. Have you noticed that every time Obama does something that appears to be a change in position or promises/statements made during the primaries, someone or something comes up to divert attention from that event?

The latest is Jesse Jackson's "Hot Mike" remarks about Obama right after he reversed his position on the FISA bill. All the pundits were discussing the effect of this reversal of position until the Jackson story broke. Now Jackson's comments are all you hear about. The FISA vote is now history.

This happens with too much regularity to be just coincidence. Am I the only one who sees this? His Director of CYA is really working overtime, even if only half of these events are orchestrated.


jakesmom said...

You did say your direction was going to be first, things that piss you off and then food. James just doesn't want to have to think...ha-ha. BTW, if you read this James, call me you looser.

I agree with your point, however, if Jesse Jackson is exposed on a broad level it is a good thing. The fact that his issue with Obama's position on personal responsibility is the talking point, literally, is perfect. To get rid of the Clinton's and Jackson during this term would almost be worth voting for Obama. All we need now is for Fox News to keep Sharpton miked for the next 4 months and it could be the trisect.

jakesmom said...

damn spellcheck, it should say trifecta...