So, race was not an issue in this campaign. For two years we have heard from both campaigns, all the network news anchors, all the talking heads on the cable news networks, all the op-ed writers in all the newspapers that RACE cannot/should not/shall not be an issue in the election. Now that the election is over, all you hear is that history was made because an African-American was elected as President. I even read an op-ed piece that identifies the election of Barrack Obama as the REAL end of the Civil War. Let me see if I've got this right. Race didn't play a part in the campaign or the election, but is the most important / historical factor resulting from the election. Not once, and believe me I read, watch, and search out news/event stories from many sources, have I discovered one opinion that states we have elected the best man for the job.
This is all a subterfuge. It is the game the politicians and the media play to fill the airwaves with superfluous bullshit to gloss over what is really important. Just think back to the campaigns. We had the "lipstick on a pig", "the Ayers connection", "Palin's wardrobe", "Rev Wright", and "he voted no on...." controversies. Why? To steer us away from the real issues. I think the media is doing it again. Rather than concentrate on "ISSUES", they concentrate on "Gossip". That's probably due to two major reasons: 1) They need to fill more time than there is news, and 2) Most people don't want to deal with the serious concerns, they want to be entertained even by the news. I'm surprised that they couldn't find a way NOT to report on the economic crisis. The prime example for this morning was the hours spent reporting on what Rahm Emanuel had to say about being selected as Obama's Chief of Staff prior to the official announcement. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.
Then, after the announcement, check out what the AP had to say about his choices.
"His choice Thursday for White House chief of staff - Rahm Emanuel, a fiery partisan who doesn't mind breaking glass and hurting feelings - is a significant departure from the soft-spoken, low-key aides that "No-Drama Obama" has surrounded himself with during his campaign. And transition chief John Podesta, like Emanuel, is a former top aide to Bill Clinton and a tough partisan infighter, though less bombastic than the new chief of staff."
So much for a non-partisan, reaching across the aisle administration. This issue did not even garner a whisper this morning. It was much more important to dwell on Emanuel's "I'm not sure I will accept, I'll have to discuss it with my family" than to explore his position on partisanship.
I voted for John McCain because I believed that he was the BEST PERSON for the job, given the current state of this country. The majority of the American People disagreed with me. So be it. I will abide by that decision, but I will not abdicate my responsibility as a citizen and member of our participatory form of government and watch things just happen. I will not wait four years for my voice to be heard. I will be WATCHING. I will be PARTICIPATING. I may not be able to affect much on the National level, but my local representatives surely know my name, and the new ones will shortly.
Am I the only one who sees this travesty, or the only one who is saying anything? I need to get a national audience and form my own "Revolutionary Party". We will be for peaceful revolution from within. We will take over the government by playing by their rules and beating them at their own game. Any Takers.....?
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Pops, I am worried that black SUV's will soon be parked up and down your street.
Not that you are wrong, but remember what happened to those that disagreed with the Clinton's.
I don't know anyone who could've summed it up any better.
Guess what I hear about at work all day? I'll give you a hint, not how Obama is the best person for the job....
Steph, They already are !!!
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