Sunday, July 6, 2008

Politics As Usual.....

One would think that after nearly two years of campaigning that our presidential candidates would have their stuff together. Not a chance. Once again, we are being subjected to the the back pedaling, "What I really meant to say", posturing, saying whatever the group I am speaking to wants to hear, bullshit, and just plain lying that characterizes the "Politics As Usual" atmosphere of American politics.

What pisses me off more than that is these talking heads on all the news programs that are defending their candidates. How can they sit there in all their pompous righteousness and tell the lies they are spouting and not ever crack a smile? They must think that the American electorate is as dumb as rocks. They might just be Right!!! Apparently, the American people are sooooo gullible that they only believe what has been said in the last ten minutes. We suffer from a collective long term memory loss.

Obama was spouting his rhetoric about "Change" and "A New Form of Politics", and McCain was espousing his "Moderate", "Cooperative" political methodology. Now, how in the hell are you supposed to tell them apart. They are both sucking up to every special interest group they can find to try and win votes. Both are becoming more and more centrist with each passing day. So, it will come down to the lesser of two evils once again. And, in the end, we will return to the same old politics as usual that is currently in place.

Apparently, the American people have forgotten that we have a "Representative" form of Democracy. The President has only as much say as our elected representatives allow. You know, the old checks and balances defined in the Constitution. The President has only one powerful weapon in his personal arsenal, that of the VETO, and even that can be overridden by a 2/3rds majority of our representatives. So, in reality, the President, no matter who or which party or conservative/liberal, cannot accomplish a thing without the support of our representatives. I guess that means that you can't blame the President if their policies are not implemented. Ultimately, it is OUR fault. Remember, Obama said "YOU are the change YOU have been waiting for." He has already assigned the responsibility for his success or failure to ALL OF US.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi and her new congress were going to change the face of the current administration by using the Democratic majority to "Do the will of the People". What happened there. As far as I can see, the score is Bush Administration 10, Democratic Congress 0. So much for the new direction........ How soon we forget.

I'll be the first to admit that I tend to be a conservative, Republican oriented person, but, there is a sprinkling of Libertarian in there too. I tend to view everything from that perspective. However, when it comes to selecting a President, or any other political representative, mind overcomes preset views, and I tend to select the person I feel is the best for the job. I may not agree with all of their views, but I think (and hope) they will do the best possible job they can. That means representing the PEOPLE, not the lobbyist and special interest groups.

Is there any hope for that this year? My doubts are rising with each passing day.....

1 comment:

jameson said...

I knew it was only a matter of time before a post like this came along...