First the races. Beth ran in the 21K Xduro on Saturday. Needless to say, she kicked butt. First in her Age Group, and no matter what the results say, from my perspective and counting of females with white bibs, she was the second overall female to cross the line. But what the heck, in spite of that and all the "Lap Traffic" she had a great race. James competed in the Xterra East Championship on Sunday. Needless to say, he had an excellent race. 1st overall male amateur, 1st in Age Group. In addition, his "Homeboys" (Cody, Trevor, Brian and Tom) all had good races as well. The time in Richmond seemed to just fly by.
Beth smokin it..

On the podium, how sweet it is....

Running out from the swim.....

Heading out on the bike.....

The Podium.....

Second. Beth. Finally got to meet James' "Better Half". In my modest opinion, they seem to be made for each other. Perfect compliments. AND, she seems to put up with him very well, and he puts up with her. (Ha Ha)
Virginia is for lovers....

We had an unexpected event Sunday morning. At 4:30 AM, we awoke to; "BEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEP, An emergency has been reported, please proceed to the lobby, do not attempt to use the elevators" (Repeat ad nauseum). We threw on some clothes, grabbed wallet, purse and room key and hiked down four floors to the lobby. It was total confusion, and there were no hotel employees directing anything. Turned out to be a false alarm. We had two more. One at 5:34 AM and another at 5:48 AM. Some much for going back to sleep.
A picture is worth how many words....

More to come later, including some Father's Day shots.
Sorry to have missed all the fun! Hope you had a great Father's Day!
next year Steph has to come! thanks for all the support this weekend. Now I just need you guys to show up in Maui and help me get the finish line first...
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